XAMR System

The XAMR meter reading system presents a flexible and reliable solution for automating the capture of both analog and digital meter readings. Through our mobile application, users can streamline their image capture process, eradicating manual data entry errors.

Our deep learning models have undergone rigorous training with real-world data to achieve exceptional performance, seamlessly integrated into mobile platforms. Our system operates seamlessly in both online and offline modes, ensuring uninterrupted access and functionality regardless of network connectivity. It effortlessly integrates with existing applications, providing a user-friendly interface. This system is equipped to detect non-meter images and guarantees the quality of meter reading images effortlessly.

Our AI-powered tool swiftly verifies image clarity and readability, ensuring precise data capture and eliminating errors in the field. Additionally, our machine learning algorithms detect anomalies, further reducing the likelihood of field errors. Furthermore, it includes fraud detection functionality.
